Authority Maturity Report

This report will show you where you are weakest and strongest, and what to do to get to the next level.

Your Authority Maturity level is

N/A (No Data Found)

February 2025

Next level: Tactical

Your overall Authority Maturity

Emerging (0-1)

Focus is largely internal, aimed at gaining experience and credentials while taking initial steps to build an owned audience to engage with unique ideas and perspective.

Learn more about levels
4 Dimensions of Personal Authority Maturity

We identified the key dimensions that drive data-driven authority maturity. Click the icons below to see how you perform in each.

Earned Media

Earned media refers to coverage that is “earned” rather than bought. Successful earned media includes securing media coverage on media outlets and digital publications.


in this dimension


The Emerging Authority has little to no earned media, limited audience alignment, no established media connections and no experience as a speaker.

You could be Tactical

Here's how you get there:

Owned Media

Owned media refers to media that is on a platform that you own. Most frequently, owned media refers to your personal website and all content and digital assets hosted there.


in this dimension


The Emerging Authority owned content is promotional in nature, with no set calendar or strategic distribution plan; the content does not leverage best practices or industry tools for optimization within their personal website, if they have one.

You could be Tactical

Here's how you get there:


Experiment with AI and develop a position on how you plan to use it to support speed, quality, and/or innovation in your work. Keep a pulse on what first-movers in your industry are doing.

Rented Media

Rented media refers to posting on platforms that you do not own. The most common examples of rented media are social media and advertising platforms.


in this dimension


The Emerging Authority has minimal activity on their social media, if they have social profiles at all; engagement is low, advertising and amplification is limited.

You could be Tactical

Here's how you get there:

Brand Strategy

Brand strategy encompasses the identity of your brand—how it is portrayed, marketed, and perceived by the public. A documented strategy includes your value proposition, purpose, target audience(s), key messages and a phrase or sentence that describes what you want your to think and feel about your brand.


in this dimension


The Emerging Authority lacks intentionality across their brand strategy, leaning on their social accounts the email list for discoverability and engagement; their digital footprint is limited, with little attention paid to reputation management, consumer-generated media, and/or brand associations.

You could be Tactical

Here's how you get there:

Next Steps

Review your recommendations and consider these steps:

Focus on foundational elements of authority, such as a personal brand website that speaks to your credibility and brand associations; following a content calendar that emphasizes publishing original content to followers; and growing your follower base and engagement by testing ad spend to expand the reach of your content on social media. Experiment with new content topics and different posting schedules to increase engagement.

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