Translate Your Authority Into Speaking Opportunities Webinar

Date & Time

September 28, 12-1 PM EST

Webinar Length

60 Minutes

Are you an accomplished business leader, looking to take your insights to the stage? Or a notable speaker eager to gain greater notoriety and reach? Translate Your Authority Into Speaking Opportunities webinar for strategic guidance on how you can leverage your existing Authority to secure more speaking engagements.

Registration Form

Your Curated Agenda

  • The role of thought leadership and building authority through earned media 
  • Positioning yourself as a speaker
  • Preparing a speaker’s kit
  • Maximizing the value of your engagements

Webinar Speakers

Natalie Mazzarella

Natalie Mazzarella

VP of Media Services

Miguel Casellas Gil forbes books

Miguel Casellas-Gil

Director of Public Relations

Terry Stanton

Senior Public Relations Manager

Discover Your Authority Score

Do you know where you are on the path to Authority-status? Take our Authority Assessment to determine how effective your current thought leadership efforts are. We’ve created this assessment to help leaders like you determine where they stand and what services they need to reach their goal.

Done-for-you publishing and authority media services purpose-built for the needs of entrepreneurs and industry leaders.

Elevate your brand authority with a made-for-you publishing plan and media strategy that are laser-focused on positioning you as the go-to expert in your field.