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Dickens Content Service

Attract a following and earn a reputation as a thought leader with our long-form serialized content service.

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dickens content example chris heim

Our Serialized Content Offering

This program is designed to extend audience reach for you and your message and to build trust for you as an Authority. Dickens is a done-for-you serialized content creation service for business leaders who want to grow their Authority with content. Examples include white papers, articles, how-to guides, infographics, and more.

We established the Dickens service once we recognized that business leaders are not lacking in content. However, busy professionals often benefit from assistance pulling content together and packaging it for digital consumption across their platforms. Our content offering is designed to help you create a loyal audience and amplify your reach to new and existing audiences.

What’s Included in the Dickens Service?

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Personalized Master Content Plan

A personalized one-year content strategy

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Twelve Ghostwritten Articles

Up to 36,000 total word count across 12 articles or whitepapers

Content Distribution

Strategic guidance on how to utilize your Dickens content to best reach your audience within your owned channels, social channels and through distribution onto relevant platforms such as Medium

Performance Analytics

Provided performance metrics and strategic suggestions

Dickens content Greg Alexander on Ipad

The Details: What To Expect

Upon electing this service, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals and desired content topics to best display your expertise. As a first step, we outline your content themes and any key dates that are important to consider for you or your audience.

The result of our discovery is a personalized Master Content Plan that details the subjects, content types, distribution goals, and sequencing we recommend. After approval, we will get to work! Each month, you will be sent content to review and finalize. Beyond our distribution, this content can be amplified on your social platforms and website to show your knowledge and attract an audience.

Your Advantage | Forbes Books Team

To amplify your existing authority and brand recognition, you need a team you can trust. Our team of PR, digital media and engagement, and content strategists bring decades of experience together under a brand that has been amplifying authority since 2005.

With the Advantage | Forbes Books team working on your behalf, you’ll gain access to a wider reach of view, and media assets to support your ongoing thought leadership.

Create Your Content Plan Today