Publishing Programs

Promote Your Book with Advantage Media

With a professional team of media experts to promote your book, you can secure top-notch PR placements and even become an Amazon best seller. Following our proven Authority Media book promotion strategy is the best way to promote your book.

  • Book Seeding & Reader Reviews

    Reader reviews are critical to a strong book launch campaign and influence how, when, and where the Amazon algorithm recommends your book to buyers as well as provides those potential buyers with the social proof needed to feel confident in their purchase decision.

    The most fruitful source of early reader reviews is your author network. Your Book Promotion Manager will advise on best practices for seeding books with your network for potential review, providing timing, copy, and support, and educating you on the ins-and-outs of the Amazon algorithm and consumer review system.

    In addition, the book seeding campaign will be expanded to include members of the NetGalley and Goodreads communities, offering digital books for download and giveaway to two of the largest online reading communities boasting 650,000 and 90 million registered members.

    Additional advertising opportunities are available to increase visibility with American Library Association librarians, American Booksellers Association bookstores, and avid readers and reviewers with an expressed interest in your genre.

  • Publishing Industry Reviews & Awards

    Being recognized by the publishing industry with a review or award can bring credibility, visibility, and the opportunity to market your book to new readers which can contribute to increased interest for your book by consumers, booksellers, and librarians.

    To ensure that your book is reviewed by the most recognizable names in publishing, we submit your book to Booklife by Publishers Weekly, Foreword Clarion, Kirkus Indie, and Readers Favorite.

    We guarantee reviews from their editorial staff with the option to archive the review should you choose for it not to be published.

    Reviews are typically available 6-8 weeks after submitting and can be quoted on retailer book pages, marketing materials, author websites, and future reprints of the book.

    We ensure that your book is considered by reputable independent business book awards. We submit your book to IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards, Porchlight Book Awards, Foreword Indies, and Axiom Book Awards.

    Awards are generally submitted late the year of publication and awarded early the following calendar year.

  • 6-Month Book Launch Publicity Campaign

    During the 6-month publicity campaign, we work to secure top spots in relevant industry trade journals, blogs, magazines, and more.

    Our in-house PR team is staffed by veteran journalists and media specialists who understand the needs of daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly publications.

    Our publicity team has earned a reputation among the media as a trusted and popular source of high-quality content.

  • Amazon Best Seller Program

    When your book lands in the top five on an Amazon Best Seller list, your name gains instant credibility to potential buyers.

    This attracts them to purchase your book, while giving you the right to tout your Amazon Best Seller status on your personal website and marketing collateral.

  • Amazon Optimization & Targeted Advertising

    Amazon accounts for up to 80% of all online book sales making it imperative that your book is available, discoverable, and optimized to turn Amazon browsers into buyers.

    Your Book Promotion Manager will research and recommend Amazon keywords and categories that best position your book to achieve bestseller status.

    We will work with you to setup and populate your Author Central author profile, have our award winning team of designers develop A+ Detail Content.

    We focus on highlighting your book’s value proposition to increase the conversion from browser to buy, and manage an Amazon targeted ad campaign. Your campaign will reach readers who are ready to buy as close to the point of purchase as possible.

    The Amazon targeted ad campaign is tailored to your book and reaches readers with an expressed interest in your book’s genre and competitive titles through both online and email placements.

    You will receive robust weekly analysis, including insights into buying behaviors and book sales as a direct result of the advertising, and our team of Amazon certified ad specialists will continually optimize the ad strategy and tactics based on real-time results.

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