AM12: John C. Lindsey, Co-Founder & President of Lindsey Self Storage Group

This week, Rusty Shelton catches up with long-time friend and Advantage’s first intern, John C. Lindsey. John dives deep on how to become the Authority in a specific niche industry, like he did with self-storage, and how to create your own reputation and legacy, even when taking over a family business. Rusty and John also talk about approaching work-life balance differently than the generations before them.

About John C. Lindsey:

John C. Lindsey graduated from the College of Charleston with a degree in Business Administration with a Commercial Real Estate Development Concentration. Licensed since 2008, his only focus has been self-storage as he has explored brokerage, consultation, development, and management over the past 13 years while working on various projects throughout the world. John is a member of the North Carolina, South Carolina and National Self Storage Associations, as well as a Board Member of the national Self Storage Association, the NCSSA, and Former President of the SSASC. He is the author of the recently published book The Sexy Side of Self Storage: An Insider’s Guide To A Necessary Commodity.

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Rusty Shelton speaking at EO Alchemy conference

Rusty Shelton

Rusty Shelton first spoke at Harvard on the changing world of PR and marketing at the age of 23. He is a dynamic keynote speaker, successful entrepreneur, Founder & Chairman of Zilker Media and the co-author of Authority Marketing: Your Blueprint to Build Thought Leadership That Grows Business, Attracts Opportunity, and Makes Competition Irrelevant (ForbesBooks, 2018), which features a foreword from Steve Forbes, and co-author of Mastering the New Media Landscape: Embrace the Micromedia Mindset…

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What is Your Authority Score?