Episode 7 | Part Two: Lou Adler, CEO & Founder, Performance-based Hiring Learning Systems

Kathleen concludes her conversation with Lou Adler, the founder of Performance-based Hiring Learning Systems and the author of Hire with your Head.  In part two,  Lou has advice for recruiters when dealing with hiring managers, tips for developing a color-blind hiring process, and helpful ways of transforming jobs into careers. About Lou Adler: Lou is the CEO and founder of Performance-based Hiring Learning Systems — a consulting and training firm helping recruiters and hiring managers around the world source, interview, and hire the strongest and most diverse talent. Lou is the author of the Amazon top-10 bestseller, Hire With Your Head (John Wiley & Sons, 4th Edition, 2021), The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired (Workbench Media, 2013), and the Lynda.com Performance-based Hiring video training program (2016). His current “Diversity Hiring without Compromise” initiative is focused on developing a colorblind hiring process that ensures the best people get hired regardless of race, religion, age, sexual preference, and physical challenges. Adler is one of the top bloggers on LinkedIn’s Influencer program, writing about the latest trends in hiring, employment, and recruiting. His articles, quotes, and research can now be found in Inc. Magazine, Business Insider, Bloomberg, SHRM, and The Wall Street Journal. The company’s new mobile-ready learning platform — Win-Win Hiring Learning Systems — provides instant access to all the tools needed to find and hire outstanding talent.

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Kathleen Duffy

The ability to scale and customize processes to deliver an optimal outcome is advantageous to employers and job- seekers alike. Her proven approach to recruitment has been so successful that Kathleen has written a book to be published in June, Revolutionizing Recruitment: How Recruitment Research is Reshaping the Industry, to help other hiring leaders perfect their recruitment practices. Kathleen balances her role as president of her busy firm with numerous business and community endeavors. She…

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