Authority Blueprint

Your journey begins with an Authority Blueprint, diligently overseen by a highly-expereinced team of ForbesBooks Architects. This process begins with defining your outcomes and developing of a Master Authority Plan (MAP) and Master Book Plan that infroms our entire working-together relationship.

Vision & Design Session

In this session, you will meet your Editorial and Strategy team, and we will walk through a discovery process to discuss your ideas and purpose for your book and your intended outcomes. Then you will meet your Master Book Planner to cover content concepts and the details of your custom book plan. Within 10 days after your meeting, you will receive a robust Master Book Plan – or an Editorial Plan if you already have a manuscript. You will be able to refine these customized plans during your Blueprint Session.

Blueprint Session

During the Vision and Design session, we are building a plan to achieve your outcomes. In addition to a review of your Master Book Plan, we will share your Master Authority Plan that includes our prescription to strategically and systematically build your Authority, thought leadership, and omniprence in your industry, community, or marketplace. Authority is built over time and includes utilization of multiple types of media.

To say that I was blown away with what we accomplished together during our Authority Marketing Blueprint Day would be an understatement! It was an intense day, but without a doubt, we accomplished more in that day than I had the entire previous year.

Liz Hilliard Headshot
Liz Hilliard
Co-Founder of Hilliard Studio Method

Your Investment

Should we choose to work together, your nominal investment will serve as a credit toward any work we do. Your participation in the Blueprint does not obligate either party to work together in any fashion beyond the scope of the Blueprint.

If you choose to conduct your Blueprint Session in-person at our Charleston, SC headquarters, we host you for an evening and cover lodging and meal expenses.

*Neither party is obligated to move past Step 1. Upon completion, at your mutually choosing, a publishing offer is made with either our Advantage Books or Forbes Books imprint (pending Forbes Approval).

I'm Ready To Book My Authority Blueprint!

Investment of the Blueprint Day is credited toward any work that you might have us do should we mutually decide to work together.

What is Your Authority Score?