aaron baker author headshot

Aaron Baker

CEO, Cannon Safe

Aaron Baker is the father of five wonderful children including triplet daughters! Aaron grew up in Southern California but now lives in fabulous Las Vegas. He is an Eagle Scout, which he achieved at the age of thirteen.


Aaron’s wanderlust began in his early twenties when he lived in Ecuador for two years as a missionary and became fluent in Spanish. Aaron loves music, books, and occasionally being a pilot and is often found exploring some far-off place in the world. When not working or exploring, he spends his time outdoors with his family and friends at his home in Montana skiing, hiking, hunting, or fishing.

3d book cover of heir to the throne

Heir to the Throne

The New Leader’s Path to Greatness

Owning and managing a thousand-plus-employee company definitely comes with its perks: private jets, multiple vacation homes, and flexibility with your time. But it takes an exceptional leader to climb to those heights. Reaching such a level of leadership is no small feat. In his book Heir to the Throne: The…

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