Gregory Gentry author headshot

Gregory Gentry

Founder - Gregory Gentry & Associates, LLC

Meet Gregory (Greg) Gentry. In addition to over thirty years of experience in the financial and estate planning industry, some of Greg’s professional designations include Certified Estate Planner (CEP®) and the esteemed Registered Financial Consultant (RFC®) designation through the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC®). Greg has been securities licensed since 1982 and is an Independent Licensed Insurance Representative with a focus on estate planning concepts. Greg entered the Financial Services field in 1981, and in 1989 became a National Sales Director of a large National Financial Services Company.

In 1992, Greg helped form the well-known firm First City Estate Planning, Inc., in early 2002, Greg dissolved his ownership interest in First City Estate Planning Inc. to form a more personal, family estate planning practice, Gregory Gentry & Associates, LLC. In addition to being a regular information source for local news and newspapers, Greg’s opinion is sought after for his innovative estate planning concepts by many financial planners, attorneys and tax planners. He has educated and entertained thousands of people over his career in workshops and seminars.


Get Your Financial Ducks in a Row by Gregory Gentry

Get Your Financial Ducks in a Row

Get Your Financial Ducks in a Row is informative estate planning 101, with a touch of humor that makes advanced estate planning techniques easy to understand. Gregory Gentry shares insights from over thirty years of experience as an Estate Planner. Many of his actual case studies are outlined in each…

What is Your Authority Score?