henry chao cms

Henry Chao

Strategic Advisor

Henry Chao is the former deputy CIO and deputy director of the Office of Information Services in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and currently is a solutions architect and strategic advisor for clients in the IT and health care sectors.


Before becoming an expert on implementing health care programs, Henry served in the Navy for ten years, received his bachelor’s degree in economics from St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and then worked as a health insurance specialist at the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), which later became CMS. During his 21 year tenure at CMS, Henry progressively took on leadership roles in planning and executing legislative initiatives to transform health care, and lead efforts to leverage modern agile approaches in establishing secure, cloud-based IT infrastructure to support CMS programs including the Insurance Marketplace under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

success or failure henry chao

Success or Failure?

The Untold Story of Healthcare.Gov

While most people refer to HealthCare.gov as “just a website,” few knew what it took to launch and what went into creating it. So much oversimplification went into a public discussion of the technological aspects of the launch, which perpetuated the notion that technology is at the root of how…

What is Your Authority Score?