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Matthew P. Johnson

President and Owner of Johnson Wealth and Income Management

Matthew P. Johnson is the President and Owner of Johnson Wealth and Income Management, a financial services company that has served clients for over 75 years.


Matthew P. Johnson has been advising clients in the financial services industry since 1999. He strives to educate clients on how to invest for income, help to avoid loss by utilizing more conservative investment options, and is dedicated to helping them achieve a well-planned retirement.

Johnson Wealth and Income Management is committed to educating its clients and the community through workshops on topics related to more conservative investment alternatives. He resides in Hardy, IA with his wife, Sarah, and their four children, Naomi, Lydia, Jacob, and Solomon.

the capitalized retirement by matthew p johnson book cover

The Capitalized Retirement

How to Ensure You Won’t Outlive Your Savings

As someone who has been advising clients in the financial services industry since 1999, Matthew P. Johnson knows what he is talking about. For over two decades, he has practiced the discipline of putting his clients first—a belief he inherited from his father who was also a financial advisor. Avoiding…

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