Robyn Batten author headshot

Robyn Batten, Cathy Thomas, John Christensen, and Stephen Lundin

Robyn Batten has served as CEO and executive director of major organizations in the local government, health, and aged-and community-care industries.

Cathy Thomas has worked across many Queensland Health clinical areas and has vast experience in Blue Care through working in clinical, HR, and key management and leadership roles.

John Christensen is a filmmaker and CEO of ChartHouse Learning, which is home to The Fish! Philosophy.


3d book cover of fish transformation

Fish! Transformation

The Story of How BlueCare Changed Its Culture And People's Lives

For 20 years The Fish! Philosophy has transformed businesses, schools, and individuals worldwide. Its simple, powerful practices help people find new passion and purpose in their work and lives. Thousands of organizations, such a Southwest Airlines, Ford, and Nabisco use The Fish! Philosophy to build cultures that nourish the human…

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