author headshot of victoria soto

Victoria Soto

Founder, Law Office of Victoria Soto

Victoria Soto, JD, is lead counsel of the Law Office of Victoria Soto and concentrates her practice in defending physicians before the Texas Medical Board.

She was admitted to the Louisiana Bar in 1995 and the Texas Bar in 2001 and has been practicing for more than twenty years.


3d book cover of world's best doctors

World’s Best Doctors

How Good Old-Fashioned Manners Improve Patient Satisfaction and Can Lower Litigation Risk

You’ve heard the horror stories of malpractice―of doctors who lost their license and were forced to close their practice. With so much time, energy, and money on the line, it only makes sense to protect your livelihood. World’s Best Doctors shows how you can safely practice medicine and protect your…

What is Your Authority Score?