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A Parent’s Guide To Understanding Orthodontics

How To Confidently Choose The Best Orthodontist For Your Family

By: David J. Caggiano

Available at the Retailers below

Poorly aligned teeth or jaws can affect your child as he or she grows up around peers, and even into their future careers. These early, preventable issues can lead to significant medical problems if left untreated, such as chronic migraines, gum disease, and infections. So, what’s the solution? Where does an orthodontist come into play? Won’t a trip to the dentist be enough to solve these problems?

All orthodontists are dentists, but not all dentists are orthodontists. In fact, many dentists are not suitable substitutes for orthodontists, nor do they have the skillset and knowledge required to perform many complex procedures and treatments. There are more treatment options available for you or your child―far more than braces, which is what most people associate orthodontists with.

A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Orthodontics: How to Confidently Choose the Best Orthodontist For Your Family will teach you all you need to know about the inner workings and recommendations of an orthodontist, including:

•signs you or your child need to see an orthodontist
•the differences between a dentist and an orthodontist
•what you can expect from an initial consultation and exam
•suggestions on how to choose the right orthodontist


David J. Caggiano

Founder, Caggiano Orthodontics

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