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Asset Protection

Planning for Business Owners, Real Estate Operators, Professionals, and Investors in Georgia

By: Harold Hudson

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What are the legal risks of my activities? Is liability insurance enough? How do I stay out of court? What laws are unique to me as a Georgian? These are likely all questions that have crossed your mind―detailed questions that delve into a legal system that may seem daunting to an unfamiliar eye. But there’s good news: You can protect your assets. You can stay out of court. You can learn the suggestions and techniques for you as a Georgian. Here’s how: In Asset-Protection Planning for Business Owners, Real Estate Operators, Professionals, and Investors in Georgia, Harold Hudson provides general information to you―a Georgia business owner or resident―on how to structure your affairs to help protect your assets by covering:

•Georgia Comprehensive Asset Protection Planning;
•how to avoid fraudulent transfers;
•the importance of choosing a lawyer who understands specific laws in Georgia;
•how certain contract provisions can keep you out of court and minimize your liability to others;
•the decision to reduce or eliminate liability and/or malpractice insurance;

Don’t let lack of planning and preparedness prevent your future success. Protect your assets, understand the rules you operate under, and take action!


Harold Hudson

Senior Principal, Hudson Law Firm

As a tax professional, Mr. Hudson brings a unique skill set to the legal work he accomplishes for our clients. He has been helping clients plan for success and solve…

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