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Managing Retirement Plans to Meet Today’s Challenges

Your Guide to Building A Great 401 (k) or 403 (b) That Lowers Legal Risk And Raises Employee Engagement

By: G. David Biddle

Available at the Retailers below

Every employee has a compelling need to save money for a productive and fulfilling retirement. And your responsibility as a retirement plan sponsor or administer is to fill that need in a compliant way. In today’s litigious world, it’s more important than ever that you ensure your plan is compliant. Author David Biddle knows what it takes to properly build and monitor a retirement plan, and in Managing Retirement Plans to Meet Today’s Challenges, he reveals strategies and guidance so you can do the same.

You’ll learn to:
* define and achieve goals for your plan
* determine if your plan is in compliance
* identify hidden plan fees
* evaluate the quality of your plan
* develop a quality governance system

Implementing a proper retirement plan will legally protect you and give your employees the opportunity for a secure and satisfying future.


G. David Biddle

Founder, Biddle Capital Management

As the fiduciary concept grew and the investment management process at BCM matured there was an obvious link with ERISA 401(k) retirement plan management. Dave was one of a limited…

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