Paychecks for Life by Charlie Epstein

Paychecks for Life by Charles Epstein

How to Turn Your 401(k) into a Paycheck Manufacturing Company

By: Charlie Epstein

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“Goodbye, paycheck. How will I live without you?”

Will these be your words on the day you retire? They don’t have to be.

Right this minute, you have the chance to start your own business, one that will manufacture paychecks for the rest of your life.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. It’s your 401(k), and it’s the ticket to your future. Social Security and corporate pension plans are nothing but insecure promises — your 401(k) puts you in charge.

In Paychecks for Life, The 401(k) Coach® Charles Epstein walks you through nine easy-to-understand steps for setting up your 401(k) Paycheck Manufacturing Company. You’ll discover how to:

* Become the boss of your financial future
* Use Other People’s Money to double your own
* Finance your Desirement Mortgage
* Follow the mantra of 10 1 NOW to secure your future
* Relax in good financial markets and in bad
* Retire with a paycheck for life

You can make your retirement dreams come true — if you take control today.


Charlie Epstein

Founder of Epstein Financial and the 401(K) Coach

Charlie is known nationally as the 401kCoach, having trained more than 10,000 financial professionals how to best serve the needs of their clients. He is the bestselling author of Paychecks…

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