Dr. David Phelps Uses Book For Lead Generation

"For your marketing, there is nothing better than having your book as part of your lead generation marketing funnel. It’s been tremendous for Freedom Founders to have that in our funnel cycle."
“Being a published author gives you great credibility and authority. Look, anybody who is a published author already shows that they know something about the area of expertise that they are espousing. It’s given me many opportunities at speaking engagements because I already had a book. It gives you that credibility and authority so when people invite you to come speak at the appropriate venues, stages or conferences, you will be relevant. It’s given me the opportunity to connect with other strategic alliance partners. Again for the same reason, because you have a book, it means that you are somebody. It’s given me opportunities to sell books or conduct book giveaways at my events or others’ events. Nobody throws away a book. People toss business cards in the trash or they get lost in the shuffle. For your marketing, there is nothing better than having your book as part of your lead generation marketing funnel. It’s been tremendous for Freedom Founders to have that in our funnel cycle. Finally, publishing a book will force you to take your intellectual property, your information, your experience, your expertise and get it down onto paper, into frameworks, into chapters. From there you can repurpose, you can cut up and repurpose your books, into blogs posts, video posts, podcasts, webinars, newsletter articles. The opportunity is endless. I’m happy to say that I’m right now working with the Advantage|ForbesBooks family with my next book. Why? Because they make it so easy. They have been an awesome team to work with. They provide the frameworks, they provide the interviews, they make it all happen. Speed to goal, saving me time is everything. Here’s my point: if you have a coaching or an information marketing business, you’ve got to get a book done. Get your first book done. Use Advantage|ForbesBooks to make it happen because the ROI is off the charts. Just get it done.”

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