Dr. Donnie Hutchinson's Book Allows Him To Focus On His Real Passion

"This book opened up a door for me that led to a three-year leadership contract that brought revenue into my company. That revenue allowed me to build my speaking business, which is my real passion. This book in my business has literally changed my life and led me to my passion. Without this book, I am not sure where I would be."
“I attribute so much of the success that I’ve experienced professionally in the last four years to the highly skilled, professional and loving team at Advantage|ForbesBooks. I got to experience this team hands on through three conferences I attended and the Authority Marketing Blueprint Day workshop that I went to in Charleston. Literally we pounded out my strategy, took the messages from my book, the strategy, the tactics, everywhere from content creation to social media, how to have a website, the name for your website, and how to rank on Google search. Thanks to them and all of their guidance, I own the first two and a half pages on Google for my name. I also became a #1 New Release on Amazon thanks to them. I followed the strategy and tactics that they gave me, implemented it and got the award. This book opened up a door for me that led to a three-year leadership contract that brought revenue into my company. That revenue allowed me to build my speaking business, which is my real passion. I put this book, this cover, on my LinkedIn page and other social media and I had the International Association of Firefighters contacting me because they saw the cover of my book, they saw what I did. They saw my position as an authority in this field, all thanks to the direction from Advantage|ForbesBooks. Then they interviewed me and hired me. After that first speaking gig that I did in Florida, that led to other speaking gigs, from state associations to local fire districts and I have been doing this event with the International Association of Firefighters now, for four years in a row. This book in my business has literally changed my life and led me to my passion. Without this book, I am not sure where I would be. I am so thankful for all the love that the Advantage team has given me and also all the comradery and helpfulness from the other Advantage Authors. If you’re thinking about partnering with them, take the next step. You truly will not be disappointed. When they say the love their authors, they don’t just say it, they step out and show it.”

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