Matt Burk Wrote Book That Is Still Bringing In New Clients Years Later

“Don’t wait. Do it sooner rather than later. There is nothing more powerful than being able to drop off a book and hand that to your prospects. Advantage really makes the process easy, even for people who don’t like to write.

In my mind, being able to persuade people with the written word when you are doing marketing that is based on educating the people you are talking with and doing it in a book format, I don’t know of any better way to establish credibility with your marketplace than writing a book.”

“I’ve written a lot of articles and blogs and I’ve always enjoyed writing. I think the idea of writing a book for our target audience always made sense to me. Ultimately, I met Adam Witty with Advantage though Entrepreneurs Organization at a number of functions.

The concept of Authority Marketing and being able to be an authority in your field and persuade people through writing made a ton of sense to me. One thing led to another and we decided to put the book together.

My brand as an expert in the field has been enhanced tremendously by having a book. I wrote the book in 2016, and I still get people today commenting to me that they read my book or there was some antidote that was totally accurate to what they are experiencing and just thanking me for writing it.

It continues to have residual value and the brand for me personally has been great. As far as the business is concerned, I think people view Fairway very much as an expert in that field and it’s really had a long-lasting effect on people’s trust and what it is that we do and the expertise that we have in our industry.

I absolutely plan to write another one. Finding the time is the challenge, but with Advantage, I know that they can help facilitate that process and make it easy. We’re actually in the process of creating the material and outline for the new book. Then I’ll be a two-time published author, which is hard to believe.

Don’t wait. Do it sooner rather than later. There is nothing more powerful than being able to drop off a book and hand that to your prospects. Advantage really makes the process easy, even for people who don’t like to write.

In my mind, being able to persuade people with the written word when you are doing marketing that is based on educating the people you are talking with and doing it in a book format, I don’t know of any better way to establish credibility with your marketplace than writing a book.”

matthew burk author headshot

Matthew Burk

CEO, Fairway America, LLC

He has played the leading role in the architecture and creation of more than seventy SBRE funds tallying more than $2,500,000,000 in total offerings since 2012. Led by Matt’s nearly thirty years in the real estate finance field, Fairway is the nation’s premier consulting, advisory, and investment firm in the…

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