Steve Cleland Raves About Advantage's Authority Marketing Blueprint Day

“They’ve done a really incredible job of supporting me throughout this process and I couldn’t have done it without them. For me, working with them was a game changer. They bring you out and you do a full-day brainstorming session about your project, your ideas. You do a tour of headquarters. I probably met about two dozen people from Advantage, so you get to meet the people who are going to be standing behind you as you’re working through this project. I also met with Adam while I was there. He greeted me and knew what my project was. He was pretty excited about what was going on. It was a really awesome experience and I’m really glad I did the Authority Marketing Blueprint Day. It really set me up to launch the book.”

“I’ve got to give a huge shout out to Advantage, my publisher. They’ve done a really incredible job of supporting me throughout this process and I couldn’t have done it without them. For me, working with them was a game changer. They bring you out and you do a full-day brainstorming session about your project, your ideas. You do a tour of headquarters. I probably met about two dozen people from Advantage, so you get to meet the people who are going to be standing behind you as you’re working through this project. I also met with Adam while I was there. He greeted me and knew what my project was. He was pretty excited about what was going on. It was a really awesome experience and I’m really glad I did the Authority Marketing Blueprint Day. It really set me up to launch the book.

The response to the book so far has been overwhelming. I’ve had people from all over the country reaching out to me. They want me to come and speak. They want me to speak to coaches and people who are in business alike.”

What is Your Authority Score?