impawsible conditions book cover by tosha starke, michele pevahouse, and kaitlynn scharapowa

Impawsible Conditions

Unleashing the Hard Truths About The Veterinary Profession

By: Tosha Starke | Michele Pevahouse | Kaitlynn Scharapowa

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Unleashing the truth about the ongoing crisis in veterinary medicine Are you already deep inside the trenches of the veterinary field and need some practical help and a huge dose of hope?

Are you a pet owner who is curious about really goes on behind the scenes in your local veterinary practice and want to know what you can do to be part of the solution instead of the problem?

Do you want to know how to better support someone you love who is in this industry? If you answered yes to any of those questions, this book is for you.

Inside the pages of this experience-based, resourced-packed project you will learn how to:

Build realistic expectations for your experiences in the veterinary world, whether you’re a doctor, a support-staff member, or the owner of an animal client.

Discover the underlying problems contributing to the crisis in this industry and what you can do to help.

Create more inclusive spaces for professionals from diverse groups and backgrounds.

Unleash the truth about how empathy and understanding can change the trajectory of the future for professionals in this space. This book will give you step-by-step advice on how to heal the veterinary medicine industry one pawsitive and impact-filled choice at a time.


Tosha Starke

Founder of All Four Paws Veterinary Relief

A Virginia native with a DVM from Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Starke has over 15 years of experience as a Chief of Staff, shelter vet, and associate. Her…

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Michele Pevahouse

Chief Executive and Visionary Officer

Michele Pevahouse has served in roles spanning kennel worker, veterinary assistant, emergency/specialty technician, hospital administrator for private and corporate practices, and with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Now based in…

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Kaitlynn Scharapowa

Vice President All Four Paws Vet Relief

From fostering dogs and volunteering at shelters from a young age to roles like veterinary assistant, medical coordinator, and marketing manager for vet businesses like All Four Paws Vet Relief…

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