Navigating Change in the Healthcare Industry with Bill Veltre (Part Two)

In the second part of the podcast, David turns the conversation to Bill Veltre’s personal career highlights, asking him to share an example of work he’s particularly proud of in terms of the impact on patients and brands. Bill reflects on a pivotal campaign early in his career that profoundly impacted patient education and brand awareness, delving into the innovative tactics used to cut through the noise. The discussion then shifts to the future of healthcare marketing and the increasingly important role of artificial intelligence. Bill offers his perspectives on how AI is already transforming the industry, from enhancing data analysis and personalization to streamlining content creation, while also addressing ethical considerations and the need for human oversight.

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David Paragamian

As the CEO of The Health Monitor Network, he guided the company through the COVID-19 pandemic, helping it pivot from legacy print media company to an industry-leading, modern, digital marketing platform. David grew up a rule follower, coloring inside the lines and dreaming of attending the Naval Academy. Three decades of experience taught him that sometimes it’s better to break the rules—and embrace the gift of the pivot. A CEO, board member, business school professor,…

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