headshot of andrew j sherman

Andrew J. Sherman

Partner, Seyfarth Law

Andrew J. Sherman is a partner in the Washington, DC, office of Seyfarth Shaw and is a top-rated adjunct professor in the MBA and Executive MBA programs at the University of Maryland and Georgetown Law School.


Andrew is frequently called upon by the media to share his expertise and has been featured or quoted in reputable outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The New York Times, Business Week, Fortune, Investor’s Business Daily, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and U.S.

News & World Report. Additionally, he has authored the following books: Harvesting Intangible Assets: Uncover Hidden Revenue in Your Company’s Intellectual Property; Mergers and Acquisitions from A to Z; Raising Capital; Franchising & Licensing; and Essays on Governance.

3d book cover of crisis of disengagement

Crisis of Disengagement

How Apathy, Complacency, and Selfishness Are Destroying Today's Workplace

51% not engaged, disconnected. 17.5% actively disengaged. More than two-thirds of the US workforce is not engaged. Many of these disengaged employees are within your company. They show up in time and turn the wheels in some way or another until five o’clock rolls around. On the surface, business is…

What is Your Authority Score?