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Crisis of Disengagement

How Apathy, Complacency, and Selfishness Are Destroying Today's Workplace

By: Andrew J. Sherman

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51% not engaged, disconnected.

17.5% actively disengaged.

More than two-thirds of the US workforce is not engaged. Many of these disengaged employees are within your company. They show up in time and turn the wheels in some way or another until five o’clock rolls around. On the surface, business is running smoothly, but internally, vitality is wilting. What is the remedy? Engagement. And it all starts with you and a change in your corporate culture. Disengagement is serious―in fact, it’s lethal to business and morale.

In The Crisis of Disengagement, Andrew J. Sherman stresses to business executives that the people within the company must be reignited to achieve both personal and overall company growth.

Quantitative rewards are simply not enough. Learn ways to inspire true joy, pride, and passion in all facets of your company as Sherman explicitly delves into the impact of disengagement in the workplace, backed by his own professional experience, academic research, and consulting-firm reports, further supported by the expertise of the following guest contributors: Bob Rosen, Shelby Scarbrough, Alaina Love, Philip R. Styrlund, Kaihan Krippendorff, and Robert Gappa.


Andrew J. Sherman

Partner, Seyfarth Law

Andrew is frequently called upon by the media to share his expertise and has been featured or quoted in reputable outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The…

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