headshot of don gilman

Don Gilman Ed. D.

Executive Director, Institute for the Advancement of Critical Thinking

Don Gilman, executive director of the Institute for the Advancement of Critical Thinking, is an author, seasoned consultant to senior management, and highly sought-after speaker and trainer. Don’s career spans over eight years in the aerospace industry as a rocket scientist for the Titan IV missile, including acting as mission manager for many classified missions.


Don also spent over eight years in the automotive industry, leading the North American and European Business Unit for a privately held company that was eventually acquired by Robert Bosch GmbH. Don holds a BA in engineering physics, a BS in nuclear engineering, an MS in engineering management, and a doctorate in organization change.

3d book cover of outsmarting VUCA

Outsmarting VUCA

Achieving Success in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, & Ambiguous World

We all have patterns of thinking. Unfortunately for many of us, our patterns were established years ago, and they are becoming less and less suited to this volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world we’re now facing. In Outsmarting V.U.C.A., Don Gilman shows you how to establish new patterns of thinking…

What is Your Authority Score?