Nayda Andreeva author headshot

Nadya Andreeva

Wellness Coach, Author & Mindful Living Specialist

Nadya Andreeva is a certified wellness coach, author and mindful living specialist and is the author of Happy Belly.


Nadya Andreeva is a certified wellness coach, author and mindful living specialist. Professionally trained in mindful eating, yoga and positive psychology, Nadya helps women create a healthy relationship with food, one that honors their body’s unique chemistry and eliminates bloating and irregularity.

She is the host of the YouTube series, Ayurveda For Life. She also leads seasonal detox programs for Yoga Journal Russia with over 6,000 participants in each season. Nadya’s book, Happy Belly: A Woman’s Guide to Feeling Vibrant, Light and Balanced is a go-to resource for women seeking to prevent and eliminate bloating and constipation.

Nadya believes that vibrant health, energy and inspiration are hard to achieve without a healthy, clean gut. Our digestion is responsible for the health of each newly built cell, nervous system, hormones, blood. Without properly absorbing nutrients and efficiently eliminating the waste, we are likely to feel drained, have cravings, lack energy and suffer from hormonal imbalances.

A smoothly working GI tract brings lightness, clarity and a sense of inspiration. Nadya is passionate about helping women shift from feeling heavy, stuck, bloated and afraid of food to feeling empowered and able to choose foods that address the unique needs of their body, creating a daily routine that leaves them feeling grounded yet light. Happy Belly will give women tools to understand their body’s unique needs and help it stay balanced.

Nadya has been featured in various media including Huffington Post Live, Yoga Journal Russia, Glamour Magazine, Veria Living, and Ted Talks.

Happy Belly book cover

Happy Belly

A Woman's Guide to Feeling Vibrant, Light, and Balanced

Happy Belly Guide is your personalized roadmap to rediscovering the joy of a healthy relationship with food, while enjoying the benefits of efficient digestion. Using the wisdom of Ayurveda, mindfulness and psychology, Nadya Andreeva created the Happy Belly guide, designed to help women heal their digestive issues, find foods that…

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