Selma Ridgway author headshot

Selma Ridgway

Life Coach, Ridgway Coaching

Selma Ridgway is the Life Coach at Ridgway Coaching and the author of Creative Learners.


Selma Ridgway has dedicated her career to working with and being a champion for those with ADD and learning differences. After working in schools for 27 years, Selma founded her own life coaching company, Ridgway Coaching. Her personal mission is to help children discover their individual strengths, accept and manage weaknesses, and move forward to enjoy a fulfilled life.

creative learners Selma Ridgway book cover

Creative Learners by Selma Ridgway

Stories Of Inspiration And Success from People with Dyslexia, ADD, or Other Learning Differences

For a child with learning differences, success may seem impossible. In stumbling through traditional lessons taught by teachers who don’t understand students who learn creatively, children doubt their own competence and ability to be successful. However, with the right support and learning strategies, students with learning differences are more than…

What is Your Authority Score?