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Thomas Modly

Honorable Thomas B. Modly is an innovative leader with distinguished accomplishments in the military, academia, business, and government service at the highest levels.



Thomas recently served as the 33rd Under Secretary of the Navy, and for five months, as the Acting Secretary of the Navy. His leadership style was marked by his compassion for Sailors and Marines and their families, his propensity to challenge conventional wisdom, and his prioritization on the intellectual development of his subordinates.

He was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, and earned a bachelor’s degree with distinction from the US Naval Academy, a master’s degree in Government from Georgetown University, and an MBA with honors from Harvard Business School. He and his wife Robyn have four children and three grandchildren.

Vectors book cover


Heroes, Villains, and Heartbreak on the Bridge of the U.S. Navy

In November of 2019 Under Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly was unexpectedly elevated to the position of Acting Secretary of the Navy. Vectors critically details his nineteen weeks at the helm of the Department of Navy—a rollercoaster ride of peaks and valleys that ultimately ended with his resignation in…

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