adolescence is not a disease book cover

Adolescence Is Not a Disease

Beyond Drinking, Drugs, and Dangerous Friends: The Journey to Adulthood

By: Jeffrey Leiken

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There are so many influences on teens and young adults today, the flood is impossible
to control. Often, teens’ questions about themselves and their futures are too much for
parents to handle alone, or worse, go unnoticed and unanswered. The consequence of
ignoring these can lead to decades of unnecessary struggle. Adolescence Is Not a Disease
offers innovative, real-life, real-world solutions to problems both parents and teens face.
Internationally recognized mentor, Jeffrey Leiken, explains the three distinct stages of
the deep and complex inner journey each teen goes through in becoming a self-sufficient
adult, and how you can help your teens answer their most urgent and challenging
questions and move toward fulfilling adulthoods.

Leiken shares themes, struggles, and solutions almost all teens and their parents face,
highlighting the differences between coming-of-age in the twenty-first century, while
honoring the universal constants that we all went through. Leiken poignantly discourages
parents from blindly deferring to the pervasive, contemporary, one-dimensional, feardriven
“expert advice” that too often pathologizes adolescence, misunderstands it, and
creates the problems it then tries (and mostly fails) to fix. Rather than try to become an
expert in parenting, Leiken will help you to instead become an expert in raising your own.


Jeffrey Leiken

CEO, Evolution Mentoring International

Rather than trying to heal or fix problems, he helps them learn the life skills and cross the thresholds that ensure they mature into capable, thriving young adults. He maintains…

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