Coming About book cover

Coming About

How We Transformed a Major Media Company and the Lessons There for You

By: David Paragamian

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Enacting meaningful change requires more than sending out a memo with new policies. Change that matters—change that really makes a lasting difference—starts with a change in culture.

David Paragamian is an expert in organizational transformation, as he has helped companies, departments, and teams pivot.

In Coming About, David describes the steps you need to become a successful “storyteller-in-chief”—a confident change agent who convincingly leads transformation rooted in transparency and values.

This book is the culmination of everything David has learned. He knows that change takes grit and determination; it demands the ability to get back up after you’ve been knocked down.

If you’ve got that kind of grit—and you want to enact real organizational transformation, not just superficial change—this book is for you.


David Paragamian

CEO of The Health Monitor Network

As the CEO of The Health Monitor Network, he guided the company through the COVID-19 pandemic, helping it pivot from legacy print media company to an industry-leading, modern, digital marketing…

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