succeeding at secession book

Succeeding at Succession

How Family Businesses Can Share Power, Money, and Control...and Still Remain a Family

By: Tamar Milo

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“With its clear blend of real-life examples and professional insights, Succeeding at Succession offers next generation members in family owned businesses wise guidance for navigating competing business and family needs while fulfilling their own aspirations, upholding family values and strengthening family relationships.” – Prof. John Davis, MIT Sloan School of Management and Cambridge Institute for Family Enterprise

“Dr. Milo brings many invaluable insights to the continuity challenges of business families, and empowers the Next Generation. If wisdom is personal experience refined by deep reflection, then business families will benefit immeasurably from the lessons of this book.” – John L. Ward, Professor of Family Enterprises Emeritus, Kellogg School of Management


Tamar Milo

Founder, Dorot Family Business Consulting

Over a career spanning decades, family business continuity expert Tamar Milo has helped countless families work through the many problems and fears birthed by the intermingling of wealth and success…

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