retirement strategies for continued wealth

Your Retirement Smile

The Treatment Plan For Pay-Cut Prevention In Your Golden Years

By: Tim Streid & Mart McClellan

In today’s world, financial advice in every medium may make you believe that people fall into two groups when it comes to money: savers and spenders.

But the truth is, money isn’t an either/or thing. You can save and spend―you can invest for the future, enjoy your life, AND fully replace your income in retirement. So―what are the first steps you can make today toward a golden retirement?

In Your Retirement Smile: The Treatment Plan for Pay-Cut Prevention in Your Golden Years, Dr. Mart G. McClellan and Tim Streid bring you knowledge to show that the “same old, same old” or “cookie cutter” approach when it comes to financial and retirement planning does not have to be accepted―nor should it be.

No one wants to fail or struggle when it comes to personal finances, but they will when they choose to accumulate their wealth versus accelerate their wealth. It’s time to take action and realize your maximum financial potential to smile in retirement!


Tim Streid & Mart McClellan

Retirement Planning Experts

Timothy Streid Timothy Streid holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Eastern Illinois University. He has over three decades of experience in the financial services industry, having worked as…

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